I was on a call with AJ for four hours today! :D

Yeah! :o So that was my whole afternoon, haha, which was really nice! :D 

I ended up spilling some yogurt on a couple of my blankets during the call, so that kind of derailed things for a bit. quq I wasn't able to put them in the washer right away either, I had one blanket in front of the washer to be washed and then Amanda stepped over it to do three loads of laundry while I was pulling the other two off my bed, and that was the end of being able to get my blankets figured out today. qoq I got them through the washer tonight and they finished at like 9:40, but it was too late to put them in the dryer and put my bed back together tonight. So I'm sleeping on the couch tonight since my bed is torn apart again, and I'll have to try to deal with things as best I can before work tomorrow. ;o; 

Anyway, I think I'm gonna wrap this up for tonight now so I can go to bed! ;v; 

Night guys! quq