These words are all I have so I write them.

About yesterday.. I have some screenshots I might edit later.. I don't know if I will or not, though.

Kayla can't figure out why I'm upset, but she was at tiny and should've gotten it.. ._.

She's asked me twice. I don't want to answer. ;=;

I don't know whtat to feel. I'm just kind of neutral on everything.. But there's this dull, depressed feeling too..

And I'm tired. Really tired. I look it, too..

I regret going to tiny last night.

I feel like I should hate him but I don't, and I'm scared I will... just.. ugh...

This sucks.

Danggit, this is gonna egt reflected in my drawings, isn't it..

I know I just said this, but I'm really scared I'm gonna hate him. I don't want to hate him... Ohdeargod don't have me hate him ;A;

It might be good if I cut myself off from RES for a day or two, just to calm down.

If you guys know the song 'Dance, Dance' by Fall out Boy, you'll know the line 'these words are all I have so I write them', right? well.. I feel like that right now.

I don't want to draw. Or talk. I just want to cut myself off from the world for a few days.

Yknow, just to have some time to myself..

Maybe a few days from RES would be good for me.

Maybe I should let the other RESidents know.. Mke just a page for myself. yeah.. I mean, maybe a semi-hiatus on dA, too, as my motivation is dead..

I'll keep this place going, of course.

I want to make a chara or something.

Speaking of breaks, Rikuo shares my feelins, so.. Maybe she should get a bit of a break too.. Katana's been a bit neglected lately.. *sigh*

Oh! Well, that's a welcome feeling. X3 I just had a random fangirl moment. Good.. owo

But who was ir for? Who am I fangirling over..? Hmm..

Ah well. I'll figure it out later, I guess.

Okay. I feel better now.


Let's see if I manage xD

There's nine guests on tiny right now. o_o

Waffle isn't responding.. ;=; I feel alone.

Nine guests.. O_o That's a lot, though..

I haveta go now.

I think that depressed thing earlier was an extended depression episode, but I don't know..
